Saturday, July 30, 2011

Caught in a Landslide

I'm... I'm still alive. I don't know how or anything but I'm still alive and I guess if there's one thing I've done this entire fucking time it's survive.

I'm leaving Corpus Christi. Not telling you all where I'm going; it's too risky and I put myself and more importantly other people in danger the last time I said where I was going... Like all those people except I don't want to think about that right now. So I'm taking Glass' advice and getting the fuck out of here.

I might as well tell you guys what hapepned because it's scaring the fucking shit out of me and who knows,, maybe someone can help.

The power went out, like I said, but it shoudln't have been that dark... Not so early in the evening. I grabbed a flashlight because I figured if I'm going to die I might as well know just what killed me- If it was a proxy who just cut the wires in the hotel, or if it was the Slender Man himself. I felt a migraine coming on and I just wanted to lie down and hide under the covers and sleep, but that wasn't an option. I wasn't gonna die a coward. Not this time.

I grabbed the knife I keep on my desk since I lost my gun and wandered out into the hallway. The power was out in there, too. I continued walking and went down the stairs, figuring that if it was a coincidence which of course it probably wasn't I might as well try to fix what had happened.

As I wlaked down the stairs I realized that the staircase wasn't this long. It's not exactly a big building... Of course,like any normal person, I kind of freaked out, but continued walking. I wasn't... I wasn't gonna die a coward.

So I kept walking, like any crazy person would.

...Finally, I got sick of walking. It was taking too long and this was horrible and I could tell he was just messing with me and that if he had a mouth he'd be grinning like a cheshire cat. So I did the logical thing: I jumped off the stairs.

Yes. I hopped over the railing. I figured I'm going to die anyway, so I might as well.

It wasn't too far down, actually, although I did knock the wind out of myself for a second. That was... Unpleasant, the feeling of not being able to breathe. I crawled to my knees and realized I'd broken my flashlight during the fall. I lost my knife somewhere during the fall, too...

The lights flickered on. He was standing there, staring at me with his blank no-face and I could only stare back. I felt sick and drawn towards him and I don't even know but I threw up and those tentacles came out and the room went dark again.

That's all I remember. I think I passed out... I dunno. I woke up in my room, as though I'd been taking a nap or something. My knife was back on my desk where I'd left it, as well as my flashlight which happened to work. At first I thought I'd been dreaming the entire time except then I logged on to blogger and saw that I really had posted.

This is... Disconcerting. I don't understand any of it. Was it reality, or was it just a dream? I hope it was the latter...


P.S. Ferus: Fuck you.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Halfway There

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I got a virus on my computer, which deleted system32. Yep. So I had to go and fix that by myself because I've been paranoid of leaving my room ever since Morningstar came here...

I can see how a virus could get past my antivirus because that happens quite frequently, but I do regular Process Explorer checks to see if there's anything sketchy on my computer. Hmm... I don't like it, anyway. It doesn't mean that Murphy and Morgan are behind it, but random virus attacks in the middle of a slenderstalking are weird.

Anyway, I've mostly been holed up in here, trying to avoid the outside world. I wonder if I'm going crazy.

...shit. The power just went out. If I don't respond within a week, well.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Wedding Bells on an April Morn

I... I don't understand it. Is there something wrong with me? Is there something that causes me to be so messed up and hurt and depressed and suicidal whenever proxies or Slender Man do something drastic? How am I the only one to suffer loved ones dying, to carry the burden of the murder of innocents?

The Wedding, but it's not just the Wedding. It's everything. I read all these fucking blogs and posts about how the runner got away perfectly unharmed and how they suffered few casualties and how they're perfectly fine and ready to continue fighting the good fight... And I wonder how they can do that. Are they lucky? It seems that way.

I would kill to be that lucky. And acknowledging that makes it all worse.

It's just... Why should they be able to get away perfectly fine and sane and unharmed and alright and I can't? Is there something wrong with me? Am I doing something wrong? Am I just that pathetic of a person that I can barely survive as a runner? It seems to be so... I just wish I knew how to survive.

I was afraid of Morningstar. I... I thought everyone else was too, when they actually met him with his personal army with him. I know people say it's okay to be scared and normal and I shouldn't be ashamed, but... If no one else is as afraid as me, then what does that say?

You all have no idea how good you have it.

Speaking of the murder of innocents. Got a knock on the door today from the politsia. The same ones. A man and a woman. Said witnesses had seen me near the apartment building that had been... The one that Morningstar had chased me into and done that thing in. Caught their names, although in honour to the dead I'll give literary pseudonyms. Morgan and Murphy. Not quite Les Miserables, but Butcher is still a good author.

Police questioning is always fun. I just said I'd been walking to the grocery store and walked back, and I had passed by the apartment minutes before the... The massacre happened.

They're proxies. I'm sure of it. I can't prove it, but I know they are. I just know.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Could Not Stop For Death

All I need to do is avoid Morningstar for a few days, as he's taking a plane back soon.

I know he knows where I am (say that five times fast), as I had a little, um, run-in with him today. And his billion underlings. I'm still amazed I'm not dead, there were so many of them and they had guns and a snake (what the fuck) and oh my god I could have died in what i was planning on...

Uh, nevermind. I'll continue with the story first.

Unfortunately, being holed up in this room means that I don't have a constant supply of necessities, such as food, or feminine hygiene products (oh, you laugh now. just wait until you're reincarnated as a woman or something). I could have asked someone to get things for me... But that would mean that I'd have to trust them to not poison or drug my food and then drag me off and torture me and...

...Yeah. On with the story, Dante.

Okay. So, I was slightly paranoid at the time, if you haven't figure that out yet. No, not paranoid- It isn't paranoia if they really are out to get you. In retrospect, it would have been smarter to drive, but I was freaked out about someone cutting my brakes or putting a bomb under my car, so I decided to walk. Like the goddamn genius I am.

Bad idea.

I was halfway there when I found myself being shoved into an alleyway. One of the ones with a dead end, of course. I looked up to see who the fuck had pushed me in. A group of people. People with weapons. Scary looking people with weapons.

He knew I was unarmed, of course. Fuck, why did I post that? Oh well, it's too late now...

At first I was frozen. Yes, I was afraid. If it was just Morningstar, I wouldn't be. But... It wasn't. It was Morningstar and all his little underlings, and they had weapons and I didn't and holy shit i thought i was gonna die... Of course he taunted me, and I could just dumbly stare back.

And then he barked out his orders. To kill me, of course. And that's when I regained control.

I frantically looked around and saw that the heavens had smiled upon me for once, or at least thrown me a bone. A fire escape. I ran up it and of course they followed, but thankfully I was still ahead of them. I... I think I heard bullets being fired, but I can't be sure.

I got to the top and was certain that this was it, that I was going to die at the hands of Morningstar and was prepared to jump off the fire escape in an attempt to at least kill myself when I saw that there was a window. And it was open.

I have never before been so grateful for Corpus' weather.

I slid through the window and made sure to lock it behind me. At least then I'd know when they came in. I ran through the apartment and heard the glass shattering, but I quickly found the door to the hallway. I was on the fourth floor, and they were quickly gaining on me... This is the worst part. I feel sick typing it out.

I needed a distraction, so I made one. I screamed and shouted that there was a group of people trying to rape me. That's not the part that makes me sick.

The part that makes me sick is that I'm certain that every one of the people in that apartment building are dead. I don't know. I didn't... I didn't stick around to watch. How could I? I just sentenced plenty more people to death, and this time I don't even have the excuse of not knowing what I was doing. I knew exactly what was happening...

... And I did it anyway.

I sprinted down the stairs and got the hell out of there, trying to ignore the noises of the gunshots. I ran all the way back here.

Even if I don't have food, at least I have cheap vodka. Any guesses as to what I'll be doing tonight?


Friday, July 15, 2011

How to shoot somebody who outdrew you

So that didn't work. At all. In retrospect, I should have listened to Glass, but he posted that comment after my attempt.

So I tried to shoot the Slender Man. Protip: Don't try this at home. It doesn't work out. At all.

I grabbed my handy shotgun and opened my window, and aimed for his head (yay for open sights? or not). Pulled the trigger, all that good stuff. It didn't misfire, thankfully, although the kickback was. . More than normal. Way stronger than usual. As in, fall over unusual. Once I composed myself, I ran back to the window to see what the hell was going on, to see if it had worked or not.

He had a tentacle out in front of his lack-of-face. Holding a bullet. oh shit, right?

I was just staring back at him... I couldn't move. I don't know if it was because of fear or slendermagic or whatever, but I couldn't move. It's hard to get across in text, at least with my style of writing, but when you shoot something and it grabs your fucking bullet, it's a little... Disconcerting, if you know what I mean. Especially when the kickback on your shotgun has caused you to FALL OVER.

So I was standing there at the open window, staring at him with wide eyes, clutching my shotgun, when one of his tentacles shoots out and races towards me. This is it, I thought, trying to move out of the way, trying to get out so that I don't get impaled and end up like J.D.

I didn't get out of the way in time. He grabbed my shotgun and knocked me over with it. Have you ever been hit with a shotgun? It hurts. Badly.

By the time I got back to the window, the Slender Man and my shotgun were both gone. So now when Morningstar comes to visit, I'll be without a weapon.

Fuck my life.


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Heaven of Hell

Morningstar is in Texas.


So I'm huddled up in my tiny room. With a shotgun. And a laptop, obviously. There's a window, and I'm trying to avoid it, because guess who is out there.

It ain't our dearest darlingest Lucikins.

He's just standing there. Watching me. I don't... I don't like it. Is it revenge for the Operation Wintergreen thing? Too bad, Slender Man. I don't feel bad about it. We gave that little girl something, something she wouldn't have had hanging on a tree.

A chance.

Here's a question for all my readers. How does a man watch someone when he has no eyes? I'd like to know that. It's disconcerting. Creepy. I want to open my window and shoot him right now.


Why didn't I try that before?


Saturday, July 9, 2011

"Bring me my brown pants."

Ship is sailing the oceans. 

A pirate ship appears on the horizon. The captain says "Men, bring me my red shirt!" The first mate fetches the shirt and the captain successfully leads an attack on the pirates that sinks their ship. 

One of the sailors asked the captain "Why do you wear a red shirt in battle?" The captain responded: "Because if I am wounded, you will not see blood and will continue to fight as if nothing is amiss." The crew was astounded at the bravery of the captain. 

Later, twenty pirate ships appeared on the horizon. The men looked to the captain, waiting for the request that brought everyone so much strength. The captain looked at the horizon and said, "Men, bring me my brown pants!"

Operation Wintergreen is over now.

I arrived at Hotel California about a week ago. When I got there, Zabulon from A Sleepless Night was already there. Soon after, two men without blogs showed up- Alan Hartford and Jared Brookover. They said they didn't have blogs, but they'd been following Arkady and the Arkadyettes for a while. A while later, AmalgamationSage from Records of Impossibility showed up as well in his astral form (which happened to be a woman in a straw hat with a katana. whut.). That was our group, the ten of us. A ragtag bunch of misfits with knives, two swords, a shotgun, and a paddle.

Setoth, Arkady, Alan, and I were part of the distraction group. You see, we had two teams: The distraction group, to keep the proxies from going after the other team, and the attack group, who were going to face off against the Slender Man and save Sara.

It's funny, in retrospect. Glass commented on their post, saying to kill him. Who did we think we were, facing off against him?


The proxies were gathering outside of the hotel for a few days. I don't know what Setoth did, but whatever it was, it worked. "Magick", I suppose. Quantum physics. I don't know, although I really don't care. It worked, and that's what matters.

On Friday, at midnight, we began.

The attack group went off to the forest and we fought the hoard of zombies proxies that Setoth had drawn. Arkady was grinning like  a maniac as he sliced and diced them, but then again, he'd been acting like a child who was given a sack full of their favorite candy all weekend. Setoth was chanting and using his magic, and also using his paddle. I still think it was a weird weapon, but to each their own. Alan had brass knuckles and a knife. We were saving my shotgun for later, although we had to resort to it fairly quickly.

Oh, right. I was the only one who brought a gun. Forgot to mention that.

At first the proxies thought that we all had shotguns... But they realized rather quickly that not all of us did. It was just me. So of course they went for the reasonable course and tried to kill the person with the shotgun. It didn't work, as you can clearly see...

Actually, I wasn't injured until later on in the fight. I guess that's the good thing about long-range weapons, even if a shotgun is kind of inconvenient. I really should get an assault rifle before I die... Anyway. A proxy with a chainsaw came in. That's right. A chainsaw. I don't really know where he got it, but... But that really doesn't matter.

Then Javert and his cronies showed up and things went to hell. Arkady was shot and Setoth smacked Javert in the face with his paddle. That was pretty badass, I do have to admit it... Arkady jumped on Javert and began beating him up and punching him. Beat him senseless, and kept doing it until Setoth informed Arkady that he was, in fact, dead. In the meantime, Setoth had put the proxy with the chainsaw on fire...

...It didn't work. I kept shooting at him and I don't know how many bullets I put into that son of a bitch but he kept going. I don't even...

Arkady tried stabbing the man in the neck and emptied Javert's pistol into the man. It didn't work.

None of it worked...

The chainsaw man was the one who killed Alan, eventually. He hit him with it and I shot the proxy in the head. It didn't work, but it did distract him, so now I have a nice bandage on my stomach. even though that wound happened before, when Setoth set the man on fire...

Sorry this is so chronologically messed-up. I'm trying to gather my thoughts. It's just... It's just really hard to. These were the first blogs I read, you know. I clicked the link on TVtropes, the one for anti-heroes, and then...

Okay, I'll continue. That can come later...

The chainsaw proxy wasn't dying. Alan was down, I had an injury, and Arkady had been shot. Setoth was injured as well. . We all were.

You know in the movies, when things happen in slow-motion? It really does happen. You notice all sorts of things. You notice how Arkady and Setoth were together pushing the knife into Arkady's chest. You notice how the knife glowed with Setoth's magick-quantum shit. You notice how Arkady's shirt was already blood-stained. You notice how the blood droplets fell right into the circle.

There was a flash of light, an explosion, and then I woke up to Michenab and Sara and Alan's dead body. Zabulon and AmalgamationSage are still alive. But everyone else, they're all dead. Arkady, Setoth, Kal, Alan, Jared...

Does it matter that I didn't know them long? Like I said, I'd been reading the Operation Wintergreen blogs for months... Those were the first Slenderblogs I'd read. And now, now they're dead. Gone forever...

So rest in peace.

Rest in peace, Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov.

Rest in peace, Damien.

Rest in peace, Kalias.

Rest in peace, Alan Hartfort.

Rest in peace, Jared Brookover.

And tell the adversary I say hi.


Monday, July 4, 2011

Courted by Death

In case you're not following Operation Wintergreen (and if you're not, why aren't you?), I should tell you all I've joined up with those guys in some kamikaze mission to kill the Slender Man. So I'm here now at Hotel California. It's kinda creepy, really. As for why I teamed up with them... I dunno. I'm gonna die soon anyway, right? So I might as well try to do something to try to save other people. If I'm gonna go down, then I'll go down fighting.

Also, the reports are true: Arkady looks like an addict. He's not following this blog, though, so he'll probably never find out I said this. I'm pretty sure we're all going to die anyway. Like, 99% sure.

After all, people who go up against the Slender Man don't live to tell the tale.

As for everyone else, they're pretty much how I expected them to be, although Zabulon has a broken rib. That's right. A broken rib. I'm giving him props for coming here, though, especially with an injury like that. Seriously man, if you survive this mess and happen to read this, know that you did something really badass.

I know I said I was trying to avoid slenderblogs, but hell. I'm going to die anyway. I know I keep saying that, but I feel like I haven't fully accepted it... Anyway, I might as well do something great in this time I have left, or die trying.


Friday, July 1, 2011


Oops. Sorry about that cutoff a few days ago. I had to get that out there before I answered the door. You understand, right? Of course you do.

Now, then.

Anyway, there was a knocking on the door right before I posted that. Not a rap rap rapping on my chamber door, an actual knock. Thankfully. So I got up and answered the door. The FBI. Great. Just my luck. They wanted to know about the fire at my apartment, and they had some questions. I asked to see their badges.

The names were familiar. Can't place them. Fuck.

I think they were agents. Not just for the FBI, but also for the Slender Man. Oh hell, of course they were. Isn't that how every blog goes? Of course it is... Anyway, they had some questions for me. I answered them. Don't worry, I was being careful with my answers. Had to be.

I wonder if they're just trying to fuck with me? It'd make sense. Bastards.

So now I'm here at some random location which I won't post, not that anyone couldn't find out if they didn't want to. I'm trying to keep up with the blogs, although it is hard. So much has happened lately. Zero, Robert... Trying to avoid these things, though. They do draw him to you, after all.

Still, though. I gotta get this out there.

As for my PhD: I've given up on that. I'll just read Hawking and watch Khan Academy videos from now on in my spare time and hope that while I'm doing that nobody sneaks up on me and rips off my limbs and removes my organs and blood and sticks my mutilated corpse into garbage bags just like what happened to my friends at Stanford...

I can't think about that, though. These things draw him to you, after all. So I'll stay here, and hopefully live. Sorry, Morningstar, not gonna lay down and die. If you really want me dead, you'll have to come here and kill me yourself. Until then, I'll live. For them.


P.S. When the fuck did you get your PhD, Morningstar? Son of a bitch.

P.P.S. Yes, Maurice, I'm a girl. You didn't notice by my icon? It's Marie Curie, a badass female physicist from a time when women weren't physicists.